
4.0.1 – The Basement is Done

Our meeting with the project manager and bricklayer was longer and more detailed this week. It had been a month since the last meeting, so there was a lot of progress to cover. The walls of the basement are now done, and they have poured the concrete floor. They expect to start the second floor next week.

3.0.2 – Another Visit, Another Strike

Our last house visit plans were thrown into chaos by a national strike. It was a last minute scramble to reschedule and reorganise everything to get there. Now, four weeks on, and another strike is threatening to upset our plans again.

House Update

Designing bathrooms and building walls

3.0.1 – Going Up

A national strike made getting to Vichy complicated, but we made it, and got to see the walls for the first time.

House Update

A break in our site visit schedule has given us more time to sort out some of the little details.

House Update

Catch up on our house build. The foundations are done.

2.0.1 – Foundations

The string lines from last week are gone, and have been replaced by concrete foundations.

1.2.3 – Dealing with Language Difficulties

After four years in France, language difficulties are not new to us, and we have developed strategies to deal with them.

House Update

Catch up on our house build. Three weeks, four videos, six articles.

New House, New Project

Love Allier is the new home for updates about our new home.