
7.0.1 – Windows, Doors, and a Key

From the outside, our house is really a house now, complete with windows, doors, and a roof. Inside, it is still a shell, but that won’t last long. The internal walls should be going in, and we’ll soon be able to see how the rooms fit together.

6.0.2 – Electric Decisions

As the builders prepare to start work on the inside of the house, we have another round of decisions to make. At the top of the list: electrics.

House Update

The upstairs walls are done, and they have started the roof. It’s beyond exciting!

6.0.1 – Starting the Roof

Less than a week after our last house visit, we were back for a site meeting with the project manager. The roof trusses, which were waiting on site last week, are now up, and it is an amazing transformation.

5.2.2 – We Made It

After all our transport troubles, we didn’t get much time at the house this visit. As always, the progress continues, and we are excited afresh each time.

5.2.1 – Transport Troubles

With worsening train strikes, the search was on for an alternative means of getting to the house. For this visit we tried the bus instead, but soon encountered other problems.

5.0.1 – Up, up, up

The house is progressing so quickly that every visit offers an exciting surprise. For this site visit we got to go upstairs and look around for the first time.

4.2.1 – An Enclosed Space

Our latest visit to the house was just for fun. There was no meeting with the project manager, we just wanted to see it.

House Update

The basement walls are done, and hopefully we have some wildflowers on the way.

4.0.2 – Happy for Rain

I’m sure few people building a house are pleased to see rain forecast. Rain on building sites tends to mean delays. I’m not hoping for rain, but when I checked the weather forecast and saw a few showery days ahead for Vichy, I smiled.