Power Manager Featured on MacSoftwareSpotlight
Power Manager is today’s featured product on MacSoftwareSpotlight. Power Manager is the Mac’s leading energy saving solution.
Celebratory muffins for AppleScript
Last week, DssW launched a new preview of Power Manager 4.
A better source of SSL certificates
Thus, I was delighted to find StartSSL’s offerings. The prices are good and the service has been great.
Now available in a bookstore near you
All three of DssW’s Mac energy saving products appear in Joe Hutsko’s latest book: Green Gadgets for Dummies.
Hello Snow Leopard, Good Bye Panther
DssW launched an update to Power Manager today. This update improves a couple of bits and pieces, but nothing too significant has changed.
Upgrading Reseller to Catalyst 5.8 from 5.7
The last few days have been spent preparing the way for DssW’s next big thing. That meant getting my hands dirty and updating our sales and reseller software: Reseller.