Learning to Film

Last weekend, as we walked in the park enjoying the spring sunshine, I took out my camera and started an experiment. An experiment in making videos.
It is something I have been pondering for a while, but haven’t rushed to start. I have ideas for future projects that I think will benefit from video. While these projects are a long way off, I knew the learning curve for filming and editing would be steep. I figured it was best to start learning now, long before I actually need those skills to bring something together.
As it turns out, I’m going to need that time and practice. Speaking to the camera is not something that comes naturally to me. Watching it afterwards was partly comedic, partly embarrassing.
But, it was an experiment after all. The purpose was to see what was even possible, not to produce a brilliant video on my first attempt. And as an experiment, it was successful. I learnt that my little point-and-shoot camera can take reasonable video with reasonable sound. I also had a lot of fun running around the park filming things; much more fun than I expected. It has promise.
The next step is editing. I have a collection of film snippets to play with. Some with me in them, some with me speaking, and some just of the park. Again, it’s an exercise in seeing what’s possible and getting a feel for the tools. I don’t expect to come away with a video I feel comfortable publishing.
As an aside, Graham has a head start on me in this area; he has made many short films over recent years. I’m glad to have his help at the beginning of my journey.