September, 2012 – Megan Miln

Annecy by Night

I talk to a lot of people at work. Classes generally begin and end with small talk; what we did on the weekend, holiday plans, restaurants they’ve visited. This provides me with an endless source of recommended things to do and places to see around Lyon.

Annecy’s old town by night

Annecy was one of these places. And so, we recently set off on the train to spend a couple of days there.

Annecy was described to me as beautiful and “tourisitique”, and it lived up to both of these descriptions. Even at the end of the summer tourist season, on a rainy day, the tourists seemed to outnumber the local residents. As we wandered around, I felt I heard more English spoken than French.

The pretty town sits on the edge of a stunning alpine lake surrounded by snow-capped peaks. The old, stone buildings of the town nestle between canals lined with flowers and crossed by ornate bridges. While the town is pretty by day, I found it particularly striking at night.

Little restaurants line the canals
Little restaurants line the canals

The canals shimmer with reflected light
The canals shimmer with reflected light

A church tower with dramatic lighting
A church tower with dramatic lighting