November, 2009 – Megan Miln

Lemon Frozen Yoghurt

We have finished eating the delicious lemon frozen yoghurt we made recently. This was my second frozen yoghurt attempt. My first attempt was vanilla, and while nice, it was nowhere near as exciting as the lemon.

I used this recipe from David Lebovitz for my lemon frozen yoghurt, without the citric acid. I used 1kg of my home made full cream yoghurt, which I drained for a couple of hours to make it thicker.

We don’t have an ice-cream machine. I pour the yoghurt mixture into a plastic container with a lid, and put it in the freezer. Once it starts to freeze, I get it out every hour or so and mix it with a stick blender. The texture is a little icy, not as smooth and creamy as ice-cream, but still soft enough to scoop easily.