
Photos, stories, and news from Graham Miln.

Delays and Page Shuffle

It has been a frustrating few weeks. We are working our way through the legal steps to secure our future home. Last week we learnt that there would be an additional delay.

Photos – Comments in Apple's New Photo Application

Struggling to find how to comment and like shared photos in Apple’s new Photos app? Discover how to regain this essential feature.

Street Cleaning with a Vacuum

So when we visited Brussels and I saw a big street vacuum, I did not hesitate to record the moment. After a long delay, I made the time to put that footage together into a short film.

Tiny Spider

My reaction to spiders has changed since living in Australia. I am still uncomfortable when I first notice a spider but after a moment the rush of fear subsides. After Australian spiders, justifying a fear of spiders in France is impossible.

Is This the Spikiest Tree?

A short film of yesterday’s spikiest tree, the Gleditsia Caspica, in Lyon’s parc de la tête d’or.

The Spikiest Tree – Gleditsia Caspica

There is a tree in parc de la tête d’or that is seriously spiky. The Gleditsia Caspica; a tree from the mountainous Caucasus region in Iran.

Sudden Hailstorm

After a couple of days with brilliant blue sky, today has been overcast and wet. A hailstorm rolled in this afternoon.

Pigeon at Dusk

I was lucky this evening. Camera never far away, I captured this image.

Selfie Sticks

Watching these sticks in use, I noticed the the owners rarely took the camera off the stick. It appeared to make taking normal photos difficult.

Warmth Returning

Compared to the refined and cultivated feel of parc de la tête d’or, feyssine feels less managed. The two parks almost touch and both are well looked after, but they seem designed for different audiences.