Hailstorm over Lyon

Spring has arrived in Lyon and with Spring comes the occasional afternoon storm. I hesitated before grabbing my camera and filming this first hailstorm of the season. Storms are not rare so I hesitated trying to decide if this storm justified the effort. The opportunity to practice filming and editing won out, and I am glad it did.
A short film of the hailstorm over Lyon is below and also on my YouTube channel.
This storm lasted just long enough for me to frantically grab my Zoom H2n audio recorder, put in new batteries, and record a few minutes of rumbling thunder. I have come to love this little recorder. I knew nothing about audio equipment before buying it. My choice was based solely on a couple of hours of research online – and the low price helped. Since then I have discovered how well regarded Zoom recorders are and how versatile this particular model is.
This short film mixes the audio from the camera with an audio track recorded by the Zoom. The result works well. I tried using only the Zoom’s recording but the mismatch between visuals and audio jarred.