Gutter Feeding

During July we are treated to a show of birds feeding just outside our window. We live in an old apartment block in Lyon, France, and like most buildings this one is adorned with pipes and retro-fitted services.
Just outside our main window is a gutter. It is not a traditionally sought after view. Sometimes, as in July, we reap a little reward. Birds flock around the city and swoop into and out of the courtyards. For a short while, our gutter becomes a stopping off point for many a bird looking for insects.
These birds are picking insects from cobwebs, from the gutters, and from around the pipes.
I managed to film some of this July’s activity and today made the time to put together a short film. The film of birds eating from our gutters is the result.
The bird’s movement is too fast to really appreciate from my camera. The sequence of frames below hint at the speed of the movement.