October, 2014 – Graham Miln

Festival des Courges / Pumpkin Festival

The pumpkin festival is taking place in our park. Pumpkins sit in flower pots, on wooden palettes, in trays, and on the grass.

Festival des Courges / Pumpkin Festival in Lyon, France
Festival des Courges / Pumpkin Festival in Lyon, France

They are mostly left alone. I wonder why more are not taken. A few have been stolen but the bulk remain in place.

The largest pumpkin would be difficult to move by hand. A few weigh more than 130 kilograms. Signs proudly name the grower and final weight of the oversized vegetable.

Giant pumpkins in Lyon’s parc de la tete d’or.
Giant pumpkins in Lyon’s parc de la tete d’or.

148.9 kilogram pumpkin
148.9 kilogram pumpkin

Over the last two weekends stalls have been set up selling pumpkin based treats and, of course, pumpkins. Given our regular wanderings we did not need to make a specific visit to see the stalls. They were waiting for us as we walked around our route.

Wide range of pumpkins for sale
Wide range of pumpkins for sale

Pumpkins for sale
Pumpkins for sale

Pumpkins on display
Pumpkins on display

Pumpkins on display
Pumpkins on display

Pumpkins on display
Pumpkins on display

A bar formed one of the temporary stalls. Two life sized wooden statues stood out as curiosities. They stood motionless behind the bar.

Wooden bar staff
Wooden bar staff

Wooden bar staff
Wooden bar staff

The pumpkins were a magnet for children. One stall had children decorating smaller pumpkins and all around the kids climbed on the largest pumpkins.

Children decorating pumpkins
Children decorating pumpkins

Children playing on a 131 kilogram pumpkin
Children playing on a 131 kilogram pumpkin