September, 2014 – Graham Miln

Specialised Bikes

The city centre here is not a fun place to drive around. Touch parking is normal. Pedestrians and vehicles mingle with a casual ease that I find unnerving.

Given that, seeing specialised bikes and vehicles around the narrower streets is great. A response to needing to move through the city easily and swiftly. Today I happened upon the TNT delivery bike in the photos below.

Front of TNT delivery bike
Front of TNT delivery bike

Side of TNT delivery bike
Side of TNT delivery bike

Back of TNT delivery bike
Back of TNT delivery bike

Compare this to the effect of two garbage collection vehicles from earlier this week. The larger of the two completely blocks the street and causes long queues of traffic to form behind. Unavoidable, if rubbish is to be collected during working hours.

Two garbage trunks in Lyon
Two garbage trunks in Lyon