May, 2014 – Graham Miln

Macabre Marseille

I did not expect to see such a macabre collection of artefacts: skulls, mummies of various animals, and shrunken human heads. The items were all on display in Marseille’s Centre de la Vieille Charité.

Mummified alligator
Mummified alligator

Mummified cat
Mummified cat

Mummified cat
Mummified cat

Mummified gazelle
Mummified gazelle

Mummified ibis
Mummified ibis

Mummified human hand with ring
Mummified human hand with ring

Decorated skull
Decorated skull

Decorated skull
Decorated skull

Decorated skull
Decorated skull

Shrunken human heads
Shrunken human heads

Shrunken human head
Shrunken human head

As residents of Lyon, we benefitted from free entry to the permanent collections of the museums housed within the impressive courtyard building.

Central church of la Vieille Charité

Courtyard of la Vieille Charité
Courtyard of la Vieille Charité

Inner courtyard of la Vieille Charité
Inner courtyard of la Vieille Charité

Walkway of la Vieille Charité
Walkway of la Vieille Charité