March, 2013 – Graham Miln


Thank you for your support and concern; it helped more than you might imagine.

I am back from surgery and recovering nicely at home. Megan is looking after me and doing her best to keep me from injuring myself. If anyone deserves sympathy it is Megan.

This morning I discovered I have metal staples in my stomach holding me together. Not sure how to feel about that. A mixture of impressive and horrifying comes to mind.

I continue to be in awe of the French health care system. We have been helped through every stage by caring and considerate medical staff.

It is still less than 48 hours since I went into surgery. Since then I have checked in new code - with unit tests, helped customers with queries, and am resting enough to keep Megan sane.

It is going to be a little while before I am back to full strength but I will make sure that time is as short as possible.