February, 2013 – Graham Miln

Photo Feed

Today I released Miln Photo Feed. This plug-in for WordPress lets you offer a photo feed for your web site. Feeds are used to share content and make it easy for people to keep up to date with your news. A photo feed is different from a normal feed. The photo feed only includes the photographs attached to the content, rather than the textual content.

Light streams into through the doors of the V&A
Light streams into through the doors of the V&A

I created this WordPress plug-in for my family. I wanted an easy way to put my photos into their copy of iPhoto. iPhoto is a natural place to go when you want to browse photos.

Photo Stream

Apple’s Photo Stream does not offer the form, privacy, or control I want for my content. I want to host my own content and control my own distribution; Miln Photo Feed lets me do just that.

Subscribing with iPhoto

Mac users can subscribe to my photos using iPhoto with a couple of clicks. If you use Google Reader or another RSS tool, the feed is available at: https://theworklife.com/graham-miln/photos

As time allows, I plan to extend this plug-in but for now v1.0 does one task really well.