Lake Annecy is a large body of land locked water. The lake is actively used for swimming, water sports, and fishing. The surrounding landscape is awe inspiring with mountains rising up from the shore to the north and woodland covers most of the rugged views.
A tourist boat waits for customers where Lake Annecy meets Annecy town.
A woman sits enjoying the sun and reading a book on a jetty.
A set of fountains are anchored just out from Annecy’s public gardens.
Mountains capped with snow separate France and Switzerland.
Lake Annecy is home to many leisure boats and craft.
The mountains form a powerful backdrop to the Lake Annecy.
The water colour reminded me of more tropical scenes.
Walking along the lake side was easy and a visual treat.
The southern shore walk beings with an easy amble along garden paths.
Rocks lapped by water line much of the lake.
A decaying jetty hovers over the water of Lake Annecy.
The lake has numerous small villages and towns along its shore. We walked out along the shore line until we left Annecy’s limits. The walk was easy but became less scenic the further we went. A large road joined the walking track and eventually the track became the footpath of the road.