December, 2011 – Graham Miln

Sleep Monitor Lite on the Mac App Store

Our third application on the Mac App Store is being rolled out. Over the next 24 hours, Sleep Monitor Lite will become available to buy on the store. This new application joins Activity Audit and Battery Report on the Mac App Store.

Sleep Monitor Lite marks our first Mac App Store only offering.

Sleep Monitor Lite is the little brother to our established Sleep Monitor product. Getting an edition on the Mac App Store has provided a useful insight into the additional requirements Apple will begin enforcing in March 2012.

The requirements of sandboxing and entitlements are looming large in the Mac developer community. The requirements of sandboxing and entitlements are looming large in the Mac developer community. There are new constraints coming that will further limit what an application can do and still be accepted within Apple’s Mac App Store.

We used Sleep Monitor Lite to explore the ramifications. Problems discovered along the way mean today’s Sleep Monitor Lite is not sandboxed; we originally submitted a sandboxed edition but helper applications appear to be fragile. This is something we need to explore further.