December, 2011 – Graham Miln

Chalk on the Pavement

A small encampment of protesters has set themselves up in Melbourne. The group is mimicking the Occupy movement currently gaining headlines in the USA.

Having been moved on from City Square and the Treasury Gardens, the protesters have settled in Flagstaff Gardens. As part of their protest, chalk graffiti has appeared on the surrounding pavements and walls. I do not feel it is helping their cause.

Flagstaff Gardens with protesters

A small deployment of police are stationed nearby but they appear not to be stopping the chalk graffiti. I watched a man writing new slogans on the pavement as predestrians walked by, all within sight of the police without incident or harassment. Maybe a decision not to provoke the protesters?

Each time we pass the gardens the graffiti has changed or been removed; someone is taking responsibility for removing the chalk markings. I presume this is being done by those responsible for the gardens.

"You are the 99%" reads one protest slogan

Chalk left on the ground

Among the slogans of protest are fun counter comments.

Protest and counter slogans near Flagstaff Gardens