How to Buy a Carte Técély in Lyon
Lyon’s public transport agency, TCL, has a communter card called “la carte Técély”. This card allows travellers to use the swipe-to-validate machines on buses, trams, and on the metro.
Técély can be purchased from a TCL office. You will need:
- Proof of identity;
- Proof of residence;
- A passport photograph.
The process takes about five minutes and requires a single visit.
You will need to purchase either one week or one month of travel when you buy your card. This is in addition to a five euro fee for the card.
Your photograph will be scanned and returned to you. The scanned photo is printed on the back of a Técély card, along with your name, an expiry date, and a card number.
Técély cards are valid for five years from issue.
Be aware that weekly travel subscriptions always start on Monday, and monthly tickets always start on the 1st of each month. You may want to time your Técély purchase with these days to get the most out of your card’s first subscription.
Written in March 2012.