Fête des lumières - Festival of Lights in 2015
Despite the grand spectacles being cancelled, Lyon’s light festival took place in its traditional form of candles placed in windows.
Gutter Feeding
Just outside our main window is a gutter. It is not a traditionally sought after view. Sometimes, as in July, we reap a little reward. Birds flock around the city and swoop into and out of the courtyards.
Fallen Tree
A large tree fell in our local park. The tree’s fall was unexpected and the result of high winds. Since then mushrooms have bloomed on the stump.
Autumn Colours
Autumn is putting on a final show for the year. The leaves are colourful and the evening views are captivating.
Filming La Fête nationale
On reviewing the short film of Lyon’s La Fête nationale firework show this morning, I felt it not too bad a sample of the evening. Short, snappy, and a taster of the event.
La Fête nationale in Lyon
This was our third year celebrating the day in Lyon. We knew were to go and where to expect crowds. The best view of the fireworks is along the east shore of river Saône.
Quietly Waiting
In France we struggle to find a balance between knowing what to wait for and what to tenaciously hound along. Knowing the difference is key and we rarely know for sure.
Wild Flowers in the Park
Near the bee hotel in Lyon’s parc de la tête d’or is a small section set aside for wild flowers.
Many Insects, One Rose Bush
Many insects and creepy crawly animals go largely unnoticed in the park.
Mounted Police in the Park
The mounted police drew a small crowd of onlookers as they tried to encourage their horses to walk a banner.