
Green is Returning

Having arrived in a bleak winter freeze I have been keen to see the return of greenery to the trees and plants around the city. The last two weeks have fulfilled my wish and suddenly greenery is emerging everywhere.

Turtles in Parc de la Tête d’Or

The limited sun bathing areas are crowded with turtles and they try to crawl all over each other. The resulting slow speed collisions and collapses draw a constant crowd of spectators.

Palm Sunday

The Roman Catholic Church is celebrating Palm Sunday today. For the last week, street stalls have appeared near churches selling palm fronds and cuts of another plant.

So French

I captured this beautiful photo standing on edge of a busy Lyon street. The iconic French building is a hotel with a popular café below. Trees bursting with blossom line the edge of the café’s outdoor seating area. An almost stereotypically French scene.

Motorbikes in Place Bellecour

There is a community of motorbike owners in Lyon. They have popped up unexpectedly twice in the last weeks. The latest time was in Place Bellecour on Saturday evening.

Springing into Blossom

Spring has arrived in Lyon. The trees in front of the theatre have burst into blossom. It is good to see colour return to the streets and squares.

Mesh Overhead

I took this photo waiting at a crossing in 6ème, Lyon. The myriad of cables stretching across the intersecting streets was delightful; with the backdrop of typically French buildings, how could I not take a photo.

Deer in Parc de la Tête d'Or

Parc de la Tête d’Or, the main park in Lyon, is large enough to be home to many animals. One walled off area contains deer – and oddly ostriches.

Bumble Bee

A photo of a bumble bee. I noticed this chap in front of the theatre this morning.

Place Bellecour's Ferris Wheel

Ferris wheels have been a feature in both Melbourne and Lyon for us. They dot the landscape, they appear in the city skyline, and they frequent tourist postcards.