Problems with OS X 10.11 – El Capitan
This year Apple released OS X 10.11, as known as El Capitan. This has not been a good update for me.
Moving Servers
After six years with my former web and e-mail providers, I have moved. The decision to move providers is never simple as a move demands rigour, planning, and significant effort to get right.
Little Bubbles
News of the latest update to Power Manager is racing around the world. I know because I am watching it unfold before me. The traffic flowing around the DssW web site is placing small bubbles of activity over a map of world. Each bubble representing a page being viewed or an interaction with the web site.
Updates and the Press Release
I have learnt from bitter experience not to try and launch multiple updates at once. Or at least not to try and launch multiple products in a synchronised manner. There is too much pressure, too much to get wrong, and too much to coordinate.
Improving the Mac Help Book
Today I published my first WordPress plugin. The plugin is called “Miln Help Book Search” and it lets Mac applications offer better help.
Sleep Monitor Lite on the Mac App Store
Our third application on the Mac App Store is being rolled out. Over the next 24 hours, Sleep Monitor Lite will become available to buy on the store. This new application joins Activity Audit and Battery Report on the Mac App Store.
Activity Audit Update on the Mac App Store
Our latest update to Activity Audit is now available on the Mac App Store. This update brings the Mac App Store version back in line with the version available direct from DssW.
A Selection of Free Press Release Services
Megan has mentioned free press release services before. For yesterday’s launch of Power Manager 4.
Power Manager Featured on MacSoftwareSpotlight
Power Manager is today’s featured product on MacSoftwareSpotlight. Power Manager is the Mac’s leading energy saving solution.
Celebratory muffins for AppleScript
Last week, DssW launched a new preview of Power Manager 4.