

Yesterday, we managed to capture some footage of the butterflies I mentioned in my previous post. The butterflies were clustering in doorways and windows, presumably attracted by the office lights.


The recent burst of the hot weather in Melbourne triggered an influx of beautiful butterflies. Over the last week they have fluttered around the city streets.

Night Market

The night market at Queen Victoria Market is more about entertainment that shopping, with food from around the world and live music.

Chalk on the Pavement

Having been moved on from City Square and the Treasury Gardens, the protesters have settled in Flagstaff Gardens. As part of their protest, chalk graffiti has appeared on the surrounding pavements and walls. I do not feel it is helping their cause.

Dragon Boat Racing

At the Docklands, we found a series of Dragon Boat races taking place. Below are a few photos from the event and a short film.

Aporia - Dripping Toffee and Salt Encrusted Bedsteads

We stumbled upon Aporia, a fun sculpture exhibition by RMIT students. The exhibit caught our eye as we walked passed the university buildings on Swanston Street.

Melbourne Sunset

As we were walking back from the supermarket this evening, Graham captured these amazing photos of the sunset. Yesterday we had thunderstorms; today we had this beautiful orange sky.

Jet Skiing at Dromana

The beach at Dromana looks wonderful for swimmers; the water is clear and shallow. So I was surprised to see jet skiiers out and sharing the same area as the swimmers.

Kite Flying at Dromana

There was almost no breeze at Dromana and yet a couple of people were able fly long chains of kites. The kites were joined by a single line reaching into the sky. By the time we left, the line had been extended three times.

A Beach Town Called Dromana

Dromana is a town on the inner east coast of Port Philip Bay, Victoria. The small beach front community is about an hour and a half from central Melbourne.