Stories is the personal site of Graham and Megan. This is our place to share stories and photos with friends and family.

To learn more about what keeps us busy, please visit


When time allows, we share stories and photos. Linked below are a few past updates.


Photos, stories, and news from Graham Miln.

Mac Apps Launching in the Background

An unexpected but consistent way to cause applications to launch in the background on macOS is to enable Secure Keyboard Entry in the Terminal application.

Fastest and safest way to copy a massive amount of data

remote sync, rsync, is a reliable choice for copying large amounts of data. You can prepare the command and perform a dry-run before committing to the copy; add --dry-run to simulate the copy.


Photos, stories, and news from Megan Miln.

House Update

The upstairs walls are done, and they have started the roof. It’s beyond exciting!

House Update

The basement walls are done, and hopefully we have some wildflowers on the way.

Stained Glass Metro

Some metro stations are prettier than others.


Odd and ends that might be useful to know.

French Cursive

A playground for writing French cursive text.

English Speaking Professionals in Lyon

Many professions in France can not or do not advertise. Personal recommendations and word of mouth advertising are essential for these businesses.

SNCF Customer Service Number

SNCF, the French train operator, offers an English speaking customer service number:


It was a few years after moving to France when we started looking for land to build a house in France. Now, the house is a home and we are settled.

25.0.1 – Painting Every Day

Since our last update we have moved and been kept busy painting.

25.0 – The House is Ours

We met the builder for the final meeting. The house is no longer a building site and the keys are all ours.

24.0.1 – The (Almost But Not Quite) End

This was to have been our last meeting with the builder. The meeting where everything is signed off and they change the locks and give us the keys. Except it wasn’t.